Connected Meditation: Remembering Our Connection to All
“You are connected to all, beautifully unique, wholly worthy and wonderful, and simultaneously inseparable from very life form around you.”
My January Mantra was, “I am connected.” I sought connection to my kids, my husband, my self, and the Earth, and in doing so, was reminded of my connection to all. In our oneness, we can improve the world by bettering ourselves; by giving kindness and shining light in the world, we create ripples that ultimately find their way back to us.
Connected Meditation
Close your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose. This breath connects you with all life.
As you inhale, you are absorbing the exhalation of trees. As you exhale, you are returning your breath to them. You are connected.
Imagine the night sky. The vastness. The beauty. The greatness of it.
Your body is literally made of stardust. You and the galaxy are part of each other. You are connected to all of the universe—an integral part of it, made from it. Spectacularly and miraculously created to exist in it.
Reflect on your ancestors. Generations of people, and animals before that, who evolved and lived their lives in such a way that your existence was made possible.
You are connected with all who came before and all who will come after. Your existence is eternal because of your deep connection to all of life.
You are both incredibly grand and minute. You are connected to all, beautifully unique, wholly worthy and wonderful, and simultaneously inseparable from very life form around you.
Breathe in goodness. Breath it out.
Receiving and returning. Getting and giving back. Remembering that in our oneness, we are all the same. Connected.
The good you give comes back to you.
The good you receive, share.